• Options You Can Consider to Manage Foot Pain

    Most people today struggle with foot pain problems because the feet tend to be overworked. You rely on your feet to stand for long hours, walk around and work out, so it might become difficult for the feet to take on the pressure. As a result, the feet may become sore, and you will experience severe pain. What options can you consider when you have foot pain? Foot pain management solutions usually vary depending on the cause of the problem.
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  • 5 Tips That Can Help Runners Overcome Heel Pain

    Whether you are working up to running a marathon or simply jogging as a way to keep fit, you might experience heel pain at some point. Heel pain is often a symptom of plantar fasciitis, a condition that is very common in runners. When a runner has plantar fasciitis, the fibrous tissue on the bottom of the arch of the foot is inflamed and irritated. These tips can help to reduce that inflammation and resolve your heel pain.
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