• Heel pain in runners - what can be done?

    Running is a high impact exercise which can cause a number of different physical problems, most of which relate to the knee and the foot. Perhaps one of the most common issues affecting runners is heel pain; this is often the result of inflammation of the fascia, a band of tissue connecting the toes to the heel bone. This tissue helps the foot to absorb shock, and also provides supports for the arch.
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  • Here's How You Care for a Sprained Ankle

    A sprained ankle is a common foot injury. They result from torn or stretched ligaments, which hold the ankle bones together and prevent them from shifting out of place. Ankle sprains are caused by different factors. You might twist the ankle severely when walking or running, land awkwardly on one of your feet after jumping, or slip off your high-heeled shoe when walking. Common signs for an ankle sprain include tenderness or pain on the ankles, swelling, or numbness around the ankle.
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  • Understanding the Impact of Pregnancy On the Health of Your Feet

    Morning sickness and back pain are common complaints during pregnancy, but the changes to your body that pregnancy brings can also affect your feet. As your bump grows, your centre of gravity shifts and this can cause your feet to experience strain beyond that required for normal daily activities. Additionally, the release of a pregnancy hormone called relaxin can affect the supportive structures of your feet. Relaxin softens the ligaments and blood vessels in your body to prepare you for labour, and when the ligaments in your feet soften, your feet can spread out and lose strength.
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  • Don't Fall Flat: Everyday Care For Feet With Fallen Arches

    Flat feet may sounds like a minor, easily ignored condition to many of us, but those of us unfortunate enough to suffer from fallen arches know just how debilitating this innocuous sounding condition can become. Without the support of a properly formed arch, a flat foot can become swollen and painful as overworked tendons become damaged, a problem exacerbated by sports, exercise or even a gentle stroll.  However, there are many treatments available that not only relieve the discomfort of flat feet, but help correct the shape and mechanisms of the fallen arch or arches, with the end goal of reshaping the foot back into a healthy curve.
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  • Signs That It May Be Time to See a Podiatrist

    Sore and aching feet don't always need the attention of a doctor; soreness after being on your feet all day or wearing shoes that pinch can be expected, and certain minor injuries of the feet may simply heal on their own. However, there are times when you want to see a podiatrist to have your feet examined and have him or her intervene. Certain conditions may not heal by themselves and may be very serious, so they may require medical attention as soon as you notice them.
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  • What Are Bunions And How Can Your Podiatrist Help?

    If you are experiencing pain and swelling at the base of your big toe, you could have a "bunion".  So, what are bunions, and how can your podiatrist help to resolve the problem?  Read on to find out more.  What are "bunions"? Bunions are large painful reddened lumps that form on the outside of the base of your big toe.  Often, your toe joint will be enlarged and affected by degenerative arthritis.
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  • Does Your Child Have Flat Feet? What You Need to Know

    There are some genetic traits that parents pass along to their children. Some of your child's physical attributes, such as their hair and eyes, will often be a mirror image of your own. But there are some traits that you will not want to pass along to your children, such as flat feet. If you have flat feet, it's not conclusive that your children will also have the condition, although it's certainly a possibility.
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  • Why pregnant women need to pay particular attention to their feet

    Pregnancy is a time when you can expect all kinds of changes in your body, and because they happen so rapidly, the changes can be alarming for some women. Of course, there is the obvious change of having a growing life inside you and the additional weight that you will put on to support your child's growth, but you tend to hear less about other changes in your body, such as in your feet.
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  • Pain In The Ball Of Your Foot: The Common Causes And Treatment Options Explained

    Metatarsalgia, more commonly referred to as pain in the ball of your foot, is a common foot condition that can cause a dull ache or shooting pain accompanied by localised swelling. The pain may develop suddenly or gradually and tends to feel worse when you put weight on the affected foot. Here's an overview of the common causes and treatment options for pain in the ball of your foot: Causes
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  • What Your Uneven Walk Might Be Saying About Your Health

    The aspect of walking is very much second nature to human beings, and people everywhere walk from place to place every single day without ever taking much notice of the nature of their stride. However, the way you walk doesn't just reveal whether you're relaxed or in a hurry, it actually reveals interesting and important information about your general health. You or someone you know might have noticed that your walk has changed in recent weeks or months.
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