Why People with Diabetes Should Take Extra Care of Their Feet
If you've recently been diagnosed with diabetes, you may be experiencing a whirlwind of emotions. You may have heard that this is a particularly difficult illness to deal with and you're going to have to be very careful to balance what you eat due to your blood glucose levels. While you may certainly be looking at some significant changes in your lifestyle and support from experts as you get to know your options, you may not yet realise that you have to take particular care of your feet from now on, as well.
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How to Protect Your Muscles and Joints When Running or Playing Sports
If you're serious about running or playing a sport, you need to ensure you're protecting your muscles and joints, as it's very easy to damage tendons, ligaments and even bones if you don't protect them properly. This can lead to everyday aches and pains, as well as long-term injuries that can interfere with your chosen sport and your overall mobility. To protect your muscles and joints when running or playing any sport, note a few tips to discuss with your doctor.
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